Tuesday 19 May 2020

Posters and promo

Poster ideas:
Further experiments with poster design based on feedback from peers. They said they liked the mirror in the zoo idea, so a design similar to that would be affective for communicating the issue. Peers also suggested that as Gosse regretted his invention of the aquarium, I should look at Kalashnikov who invented the AK-47, which he highly regretted. This would be an interesting similarity to make.

Poster idea questioning the viewer on the view on whether the AK-41 gun is the deadliest invention, when an aquarium isn't even considered a deadly invention. Both inventors of the AK-47 and the aquarium regret inventing them. The gun has scales on it, suggesting the fish is like a gun in being a tool for death, however this doesn't really make sense in communicating the issue.
Poster for a screen. The black space in the middle reflects the person looking at the screen.
Outcome of poster from the viewers perspective. Works well for a digital platform with a highly reflective screen like a laptop, but not for print and depending on the phone, it may not work well for that either.
Although these posters communicate the issue, they don't promote the event well, which is what the poster needs to do.

As the livestream is for this period of time, being in lockdown due to Corona Virus, it should be digital to be spread on social media. Therefore an Instagram would be more appropriate.

Instagram promotion ideas:

Poster post to advertise the livestream. Could animate the poster? Add audio?

Poster post to advertise the livestream. Communicates the issue, but doesn't promote the event well.

Set of three poster posts to be posted in a row, to advertise the livestream. Possibly for an Instagram dedicated to the event? Works well suggesting the visuals for the VR as well as having a dark sinister feel, communicating the issue.

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