Tuesday 19 May 2020

Ideas for a video & crits

I had the idea that instead of design a 3D environment, I would design a video that challenges the audience, giving them a visual experience that is though provoking into the issue I am communicating.

Ideas for the video:
  • Fish swimming in stock image environments - communicates being in a environment completely different from where they are from, showing they don't belong their.
  • Image of mouse or hand touching and clicking on fish, fish then dies - communicates people tapping on glass of an aquarium as well as mankind's effects on sea life.
  • Flashing of weird found images of aquariums - communicates the unnecessary, thoughtless and unforgiving trends of aquarium design.
  • Decaying coral and fish, pixels deleted one by one - communicates how removing fish kills the beautiful, vital sea life and therefore kills more fish.
  • Linking to Corona Virus and being 'trapped' inside, not being able to be amongst nature, etc. Fish in aquariums have to though this but much worse. Could be footage of how life was before corona virus and how it is now, statistics flashing (unethical? Too far?) images/ videos of a happy busy sea life environment and a happy busy high street merged, then an empty high street and an empty sea.
  • footage of people tapping and looking through the screen as if we were the fish - communicates the same experience fish would have.
During this crit I explained what I had done and my ideas for some kind of video to be livestreamed.
My peers agreed this is a good idea and that it should be an interactive, immersive experience. VR was agreed to be an effective way of doing this, or AR as it is more interactive. They suggested for it to be a place the audience could explore whilst getting information on the subject.

After the first crit I felt confused as there were a lot of ideas and I was unsure how to go about them. So I presented to my peers the research I had done and what I wanted to communicate. At this point I was decided that I wanted to do a VR video, as it is something I know I can do and I am interested in. As this meant that the audience wouldn't be able to interact with the video, I was concerned that this would make the video less effective. However, my peers suggested that it can be interactive in a second hand kind of way by creating content that provokes an emotional reaction from the audience. This idea really excited me as I know as a creator I find a lot of my aim when designing is to immerse the user into an experience that provokes an emotional experience.
I also explained to my peers how I was unsure on where and how I would create the visuals. They suggested just by using simple footage, for example and eye looking around to communicate the user being watched like a fish.

Further ideas:
  • Defacing Gosse's Lithographs - cut parts out & drag to bin.
  • The fake plastic fish being stretched, squashed, captured, etc.
  • Sounds of tapping strips the textures of the fish.
  • Parts of the textures come away to reveal an eye looking around.

Creating a script for an informative voice over:




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