Monday 9 March 2020

The report writing


This creative report investigates the use of 3D and virtual reality for creating environments and immersive experiences as a form of design communication. It looks at the meeting point of virtual reality and reality itself and why I feel it is important to explore this area of design. Although I am interested in traditional graphic design, such as printed matter, I think there is more for me in the new age of digital design such as that of VR, AR, 3D, motion graphics, and so on. 

In order to investigate this and gain knowledge on this matter, I researched practitioners that have similar interests and produce work that I admire. I carried out interviews asking about their practise; why they do what they do and how, and have documented my findings in the form of a VR report, in order to reference their work and explore the medium. Through this report I have a new outlook on my practise and feel more confident in what I am doing. Speaking to these practitioners has helped me feel less isolated in the medium I am working in, and I feel I have more of a direction.
I found Hanna and Sian on Digi-gal which is a global community and support network championing women, trans folk and non-binary people who specialise in 3D design and animation. This community was an exciting find as there are so many people apart of it, already having an impact on my practise as it has shown I am not alone in the area of design I am interested in.

Hanna Schrage is a digital artist and designer who explores multiple narratives through VR, Animation, 3D Motion Graphics, Drawing and Game Design. I chose to look at her work because I am intregued by the way she creates transforming, immersive enironments.

Sian Fan is a mixed media artist based in London who aims to explore the relationship between the physical and virtual. Using VR, AR, 3D and animation, she explores technology, movement and the female body. I chose to investiagte Sian's work as I enjoy the way she explores both the physical and the virtual.
Christie Morgan is the founder and creative director of Pitch Studios who explore the ways humans connect, communicate and behave through the internet and digital culture. They do this through 3D design, animation, interactive design, AR, VR, branding and identity and graphic design. Pitch have worked with very well known brands, agencies and cultural institutions, giving me more of an insight into the more commercial design. This is a big reason why I chose Christie, but I also wanted to interview her as I am interested in how the studio explores digtal design, creating immersive, innovative visuals and being widely recognised for it.

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