Tuesday 10 March 2020


On the visit too Manchester I went to the Alternate Ralities 2019 Tour at HOME.
This exhibition was beneficial for me as I am very interested in VR and immersive environments, which is what the exhibition was based around. Unfortuantely I was only able to experience on of the VR works as it was very busy with a little amount of spaces for each piece. The VR piece that I was able to experience was an almost dissapointing experience. The visuals and film as a whole was very beautiful and interesting, however I don't understand why they put it in the VR format. At first I though that it would be because they main woman it was about was in a wheelchair and therefore it would give the user the expereince of how it feels to look around being stuck in a chair. But the film wasn't filmed in her position, it was just watching her, so you didn't really use the 360 degrees. I suppose ti could still give the user a similar experience to hers, but I just didn't gain anything from it. This taught me that when working with VR it should have a reason for it, because by don't this I spent most of the time during the film looking around to try and see if I was missing something, which I wasn't, so I focused on the format of the VR rather than the story.
This exhibiton was also useful for me to see how VR can be set up outside of the headset. It showed me how the space in reality can be used to inform the VR experience. It also showed me how VR is presented in an exhibition, informaing my practise in visualising future VR work it in a space.

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