Monday 9 March 2020

Initial ideas

This week:
What is the aim?
What are you going to make and why?
Sustain research.
Identify possible directions.
Don't overthink, just do.

In pairs:
Discuss what the aim is and make a list of possible outcomes.

Respond to the list and start designing.
Range of directions it could take.
Continue research.

To create an experience that rather than recreates the creatures of the deep sea, it uses aspects of them to create visuals that are more interesting and strange so that people are more interested in this experience than going to an aquarium. It also needs to be somewhere specific so that people have to go to it, like they would for an aquarium as that is one of the aspects people like about them.

Ideas with peers:
  • Swimming pool exhibition where people go to their local swimming pool and swim with the VR headsets on.
  • Lifts where people can wear the VR headsets while they go down in the lift.
  • An exhibition at a gallery space where there are images and facts of the awful things happening at Aquariums, with VR headsets where people enjoy the visuals instead.
  • An exbidition where people meet at a lake or the sea and experience the VR. More of a calming experience, like a meditation get away.
Sketches of ideas:

Are these ideas suitable for distribution?
After looking at the ideas I have, I realised these are more of a one off opportunity and that not many people will be able to have these experiences. As well as this, Coronavirus has had a huge impact on contact in person and the production of any outcome. Therefore, I had a think of what could be done and came to the conclusion that I should make the project digital based to ensure safety and quality production whilst being able to distribute to many.

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