Tuesday 10 March 2020

The final creative report

The final report is posted onto Kuula which is a platform that reads and collates 360 degree images and allows the user to view it in VR format with their own goggles.

When you have clicked on the link you can click and drag to look around. If you make it fullscreen you will be able to view it properly. Each 360 degree image has a link where you can visit the images that go with it. The opening page has links to all three practitioners. Once you click one of them you will be taken to their interview then there will be a link to go to the responce. From there you can click the link to go back to the intro page.

You can also view the report on your phone and if you tap the compass, you can move around the space by moving your phone, or you can click the VR symbol and use a VR headset to view, which will fully immerse you into the creative report.

Overall the outcome of Virtual Visuals creative report is very successful in communcating the information in a format that relates to the researched practitioners and my own work. I found the interviews highly influencial and informative, and these conversations will inform my practise in the future as I continue to woirk with VR, AR, 3D and other immersive forms fo comunication.

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