Saturday 15 February 2020

NEST: VR headsets

For the Launch I collaborated with the editors of NEST to design a headset and the VR for a virtual gallery experience. The headset is to be screen printed onto cardboard, hung up in the launch room with a QR code on display where people can connect with their phones.

These sketches are initial designs of the design on the goggles. These will all have the collage underneath that is majorly used in the NEST magazine. The main thing I wanted to communicate with the design of the goggles is the event and what they are for. The first design simply has the logo in the top left of the front of the goggles. On the other side, where people look into, is the phrase 'YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE CLASS ISSUE' to communicate the VR and create more of an introdcution. The second idea is to have a quote on the outside that is featured in the magazine, with the NEST logo on the side. Although this would relate well to the magazine and its contents, the quotes featured don't relate to the concept of VR, so isn't very relevant. The third idea is to have 'THE CLASS ISSUE' on the outside, as the VR showcases work from the class issue. The editorial team thought the logo would be better with the inside text as this communicates its use well and brings the experience outside of the goggles.

The chosen design uses the logo and phrase 'YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE CLASS ISSUE', which is accounted for in the design to be printed. This will be screen printed onto cardboard and then laser cut to be assembled with the lenses needed. Laser cutting should make the process a lot easier, quicker, and create a more professional looking outcome with clean exact edges.

During printing, a few issues occurred to do with the structure and thickness of the cardboard. Although the print of the collage was effective, lining up the type was much more difficult as the cardboard would move. However, this could be solved with more print runs. As a laser cutting session was already booked, I attempted to cut the results from the print runs. However, when I explained what I wanted to do, I was told that cardboard cannot be laser cut as it is too risky for it to catch fire. This was major problem that was due to lack of research as I assume that if paper could be cut using the laser cutter then so could cardboard.
The solution to this issue was to find flat pack pre-cut google cardboard goggles which can be printed onto and then assembled. Thankfully we found these and adored them, being perfect for printing.
As for printing, I made the decision to have the type to be cut from black vinyl, allowing accurate placement onto the goggles with decent visibility.

The prints onto the goggles came out very well and allowed me to move the area of the collage I was printing so that each goggle was different. 


The phrase that was to go above the lenses was go small to be cut from vinyl, making placement almost impossible. However the NEST logo was perfect. Each letter had to be placed on one by one, meaning I had to accurately copy the logo as best I could, however this turned out to be a success apart from one goggle where the 'T' is slanted in the wrong direction. 


The decision was made to also have stickers made of the QR code to the VR to put onto the goggles. That way people can easily access it just by having the goggles.

The construction was simple and was reinforced with hot glue to ensure they are sturdy and professional quality. The goggle that had the incorrect logo placement was used first incase of any mistakes or faults that should be considered for the others. One mistake was made in where the glue was put, as it caused an issue with the function of the magnet. However this issue was considered in the other three, making them successful.

The 3 most effective goggles are to be used for the Launch, with successful placement of the logo and glue.
I think the design of the goggle are effective in that they decorate the tool with clear links to the branding of NEST. The collage print gives an insight in the aesthetic of the magazine whilst keeping the cardboard showing to link to the DIY aspect that NEST were trying to communicate along with professionalism.

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