Saturday 8 February 2020

Migration brief

The brief:
This brief 

Research on migration:

Mindmap of ideas:

Research on scarfs:
Typescarf is an independent Project, which combines Fashion with strong typographic Elements. Each design communicates a theme or subject in a clear, appropriate manner, in order to be printed onto the scarf for wear. 
Although this is an effective way of communicating and the designs are successful, there have been comments that the designs of this scarf rip off Posh Isolation and their designs, with similar use of colour, symbols and layout of type.

World cup scarf
Bureau Mirko Borsche have collaborated with studio Naranjo-Etxeberria to make a world cup scarf, representing themselves as if they were football teams. Te scarf has been physically split half in half, each designed by a studio; one from Munich, one from Madrid.

Sketches of typeface made from butterfly symbol:
As a butterfly is a symbol of migration, I made a typeface inspired by the form.

Developed typeface:
When developing the typeface on Illustrator, I made sure to keep the letterform more dense than the line that created the butterfly form. This is so that the letterform stands out more to improve the readability.

With blue:
To create amore readable typeface, the letterform is in black and anything else in blue. This makes the letterform more clear, but keeps the butterfly form.


This typeface is effective in communicating the form of a butterfly. It is quite a decorative typeface that would be suitable for logotype, however I don't think it is suitable for the idea for this migration brief. Instead a typeface that is more readable and simple should be used, in order to effectively communicate.

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