Thursday 20 February 2020

Initial ideas

Sketching ideas from crit with Helena:
Helena suggested to try challenging the role of the author. I am going to experiment with this idea by taking bits of the text and placing them around the screen area so that the reader can explore the piece of writing and create a story unique to their own experience. This could be in website form or VR form.

Test using Kafka's 'The Sudden Walk':

You will find yourself one more in the street at such a late hour of the evening. You have completely gotten away from your family. You have put on your house jacket and sat down which fades into insubstantiality. You had made your mind to finally stay at home for the evening. you must go out. You go striding down the long streets. You have started up in a sudden fit of restlessness. Staying indoors seem natural. You recognise with more than usual significance that you feel concentrated within yourself all the potentialities of decisive action. The weather outside is unpleasant. Your strength is greater than your need to accomplish.

Test using Kafka's 'Resolutions' :

The best resource is to meet everything passively, you have to do it to make yourself an inert mass. Ghostly life remains in you to feel no compunction. You feel that you are being carried away. Let yourself run. Defy my own feelings to stare at others with the eyes of an animal. Swallow all that it said, stare at others. Let nothing survive, I will.

Crit with peers:
Feedback suggested that I should incorporate colour and sound into the e-publication as this is something that is available digitally and not when in book form. However I was unsure about this as it may distract the reader from the text or suggest too much about the story, ruining their imaginative thoughts on the text.

Further ideas:
Another idea I thought of is the use of AR so that the book would be physical and have suggestions to the story, however only properly readable when involving an electronic device to reveal the story.

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