Friday 28 February 2020

Research task

Investigating, experimenting, testing, exploring, etc.

Methods of research
Primary: field recordings, taking photographs/videos, interviews, questionnaires.
Secondary: articles, books, blogposts, forums, found imagery/video.

Test your ideas and research through other people.

Research, respond, reflect, inform, research, respond, inform...

Question yourself - are you satisfied?

Questions to ask
What do you need to find out?
What don't you know?
What does it mean?
What do you know?
What does that mean?

The task:
In groups conduct research into the given coordinates. Go on a tangent and document this journey. Use as many research methods as possible.

Our research was conducted at the Kirkgate Market. When walking around the market we noticed how everything at eye level was very intense and over visually simulating, but when looking up it was much less full on with view of more space and the structure of the ceiling, and when looking down it was very dull and flat. From looking at these differences we found that the intensity of the eye view was because of the amount of colour and textures, which we recorded through images. Through doing this we walked around the whole market, taking a chaotic route in and out of the many paths around the stalls.

When representing this we chose to only use imagery as most of our research was recorded in this way. 

Own initial design:
I wanted to represent the research I found through they way that the images are placed. A map of the market in in place as a background, coloured with those picked out from the images. Instead of placing the images on the map where they were found in the market, I did the opposite to represent the confusing nature of walking around the market; forgetting where you have been and having no idea where you are.

I took inspiration for this design from a CD sleeve design of Selected Ambient Works Volume || by Aphex twin as it looks at close up textures and their relation to the music. Each one represents the name of the song, such as 'weathered stone'. There are also pie charts that re used to represent and link the song image and title with the time of that song.

Design with Ben:
Me and Ben did another design that uses the structure of the market in the difference of what you see at each eye level. An image of the ceiling was placed at the top, the floor at the bottom and the images of the found textures place randomly in the middle. This was then printed on top of a map of Kirkgate Market to give more context.

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