Monday 2 December 2019

Responsive Briefing

The brief:

The brief is to work collaboratively with someone to respond to a minimum of one live / competition brief of your choice. The response to this brief should be well developed and effective, showing ability to work independently within professionally realistic deadlines. Alongside this brief you will work on 3 week-long collaborative projects.

Briefs of the week:
  • 2nd of December with Orlando
  • 6th of January with Helena and Dom
  • 3rd of February with Joe Gilmore
Evidence for submission:
  • Studio practice blog, sketchbooks/ notebooks demonstrating research and development
  • Practical outcomes your nal outcomes, proposals or any submission packs (presentations, videos etc)
  • A portfolio presenting your nal outcomes alongside a rationale/statement
  • Written evaluation (500 words)
Portfolio (after christmas):
  • Your book
  • Your screen-based design
  • Your responses to Brief of the Week
  • Your main Responsive project(s)
  • HMV - Reimagine hmv stores for a new generation.
  • The Guardian - Create a campaign moment to help The Guardian engage with 18-25 year olds.
  • Camden Town Brewery - Create fresh visuals as part of Camden Town Brewery’s ongoing artistic collaborations.
  • Teen Vogue & The Case For Her - Use branded content to challenge ideas around female pleasure and sexual wellness.
  • Google & HMCT - Typographic Notes: The Empowerment of Music.
  • Connect 4 Climate - Inspire meaningful behaviour change towards a sustainable lifestyle.
  • BBC - Use the BBC to create a new intersection of physical and data.
  • ISTD - Paradisio, introduce The Divine Comedy to a new audience. Climate - Typo Action, take a stance on how to address climate change using typographic skills. Migration, design a typographic work celebrating the theme of ‘migration’. The Significance Of Numbers, change the way we think about numbers. Brand Type, design a type-based brand identity for one of the three clients: Boutique Fashion Accessories, Human Resources or Health Tech.
  • Invisible Inc. - build a brand a brand experience to help launch one of the technological innovations; Teleportation Portal Technology, Indestructible/Impenetrable Nano-paticle Technology, Synthetic Muscle Creation, Human Senses Control, or Advanced Foresight.
Chosen briefs & plan:
Collaboration with Becky Wakelam to create a scarf and Instagram in celebration of migration.
Collaboration with NEST to create VR and headset, face filter, and tablecloth for the launch of The Class Issue.
Collaboration with Jake Cox to create a publication.

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