Tuesday 10 December 2019

Contacting and the interview

(Make a LinkedIn)

Have a back up person to interview.

Research before interviewing.

Try to email the person you want to interview before emailing the studio or Doing them on social media.

Consider using motion in your email to stand out such as a moving signature.

Try to move the conversation to face to face or a phone call asap.

When emailing get to the point and have a clear ask. They should be able to reply with a yes or no, otherwise they will put it off. Propose dates and times asap. State how long it will be - reserve the chunk of time.

Once arranged follow up with a calendar invite.

Do a voice or video call so that it is easier for them.

Conducting the interview - make sure questions are prepared. Let the tangents play out but be mindful of time and key points. Keep things on track, but be adaptable.

Face-to-face interviews should be recorded using a video or the audio of the interview so that you are not writing things down etc. Ask permission!

Thank them for their time after the interview. Offer to share the finished the report.

Add them of socials and LinkedIn.

Outcome should clearly relate to your subject and practise.

Get hold of quality images for the outcome. Ask for them to send files?

bit.ly/CRTEST to practise presentation.

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