Wednesday 18 December 2019

Interview questions

A creative report on virtual environments.

Firstly, please can you introduce yourself using an Instagram filter? This can be any filter and sent in the form of a video.

Do you see any issues with the creation of face filters and the increasing use of digital media to distort the way people are seen?

Please describe a virtual experience you have had that inspired you. (For example one you experienced in a gallery space, on your computer, in a game, etc.)

What led you to using 3D software and creating virtual environments in your practice? Why does this interest you? 

Please find an image you have come across online that has stuck with you. (For example a meme, an aesthetic image, a shocking image of reality, a digitally made image, etc.)

What specific place inspires you online?

What specific place inspires you in real life?

Do you see any connections between these places?

What are your future intentions for your practice?

How do you explore the gap between the physical and virtual and why do you think this is important?

Please will you show or describe your favourite project you have previously worked on and explain why?

How do you see the future of design changing with the growing use of different softwares and technology?

How do you see your own practice changing?

Describe a technology or software you wish existed. (For example, I wish smells could be communicated digitally.)

When you create digitally, do you create with the intention of it being realistic looking? Do you think it is important for digital media to look 'real'?

And finally, what would you do if you got stuck in a VR? Would you choose to find an escape, or explore the virtual world?


Liing Heaney

Dear Liing Heaney,

I am writing to ask if I could interview you on your practise during the month of January 2020. 
I am a second year graphic design student, studying at Leeds Arts University. I have recently been looking into the work of practitioners that I admire in order to hopefully interview them for a creative report.
Your work stands out to me, bringing a concept to life through scenography, 3D, etc. and I would love to interview you.

The report will hopefully involve around six other practitioners who also deal with virtual environments, and will be collated into an interactive report both digital and physical.

The interview can be conducted through FaceTime, a phone call or by email, whatever you prefer. 
I would like to propose the time 4pm to 5pm on the 13th of January 2020 for the interview, if this time also suits you. If it's by email then I would appreciate the answers any time by then.

I would be so thankful for this, as your work is a great inspiration to me and informs my own practise dearly. 

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,
Phoebe Blaskett

Sian Fan

Dear Sian Fan,

I am writing to ask if I could interview you on your practise during the month of January 2020. 
I am a second year graphic design student, studying at Leeds Arts University. I have recently been looking into the work of practitioners that I admire in order to hopefully interview them for a creative report.
Your work stands out to me, bringing a concept to life through VR, AR, 3D, etc. and I would love to interview you.

The report will hopefully involve around six other practitioners who also deal with virtual environments, and will be collated into an interactive report both digital and physical.

The interview can be conducted through FaceTime, a phone call or by email, whatever you prefer. 
I would like to propose the time 4pm to 5pm on the 13th of January 2020 for the interview, if this time also suits you. If it's by email then I would appreciate the answers any time by then.

I would be so thankful for this, as your work is a great inspiration to me and informs my own practise dearly. 

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,
Phoebe Blaskett

Hanna Schrage

Dear Hanna Schrage,

I am writing to ask if I could interview you on your practise during the month of January 2020. 
I am a second year graphic design student, studying at Leeds Arts University. I have recently been looking into the work of practitioners that I admire in order to hopefully interview them for a creative report.
Your work stands out to me, bringing a concept to life through 3D, graphic design, VR, etc. and I would love to interview you.

The report will hopefully involve around six other practitioners who also deal with virtual environments, and will be collated into an interactive report both digital and physical.

The interview can be conducted through FaceTime, a phone call or by email, whatever you prefer. 
I would like to propose the time 4pm to 5pm on the 13th of January 2020 for the interview, if this time also suits you. If it's by email then I would appreciate the answers any time by then.

I would be so thankful for this, as your work is a great inspiration to me and informs my own practise dearly. 

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,
Phoebe Blaskett

Rachel Noble

Dear Rachel Noble,

I am writing to ask if I could interview you on your practise during the month of January 2020. 
I am a second year graphic design student, studying at Leeds Arts University. I have recently been looking into the work of practitioners that I admire in order to hopefully interview them for a creative report.
Your work stands out to me, bringing a concept to life through graphic design, illustration, 3D, etc. and I would love to interview you.

The report will hopefully involve around six other practitioners who also deal with virtual environments, and will be collated into an interactive report both digital and physical.

The interview can be conducted through FaceTime, a phone call or by email, whatever you prefer. 
I would like to propose the time 4pm to 5pm on the 13th of January 2020 for the interview, if this time also suits you. If it's by email then I would appreciate the answers any time by then.

I would be so thankful for this, as your work is a great inspiration to me and informs my own practise dearly. 

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,
Phoebe Blaskett

Christie Morgan

Dear Christie Morgan,

I am writing to ask if I could interview you on your practise as part of Pitch Studios during the month of January 2020. 
I am a second year graphic design student, studying at Leeds Arts University. I have recently been looking into the work of practitioners that I admire in order to hopefully interview them for a creative report.
Pitch Studios has an exciting way of bringing a concept to life through 3D, VR, interaction design, etc. and I would love to interview you as the founder of such a wonderful practise.

The report will hopefully involve around six other practitioners who also deal with virtual environments, and will be collated into an interactive report both digital and physical.

The interview can be conducted through FaceTime, a phone call or by email, whatever you prefer. 
I would like to propose the time 4pm to 5pm on the 13th of January 2020 for the interview, if this time also suits you. If it's by email then I would appreciate the answers any time by then.

I would be so thankful and honoured for this, as the work of Pitch Studios is a great inspiration to me and informs my own practise dearly. 

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,
Phoebe Blaskett

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