Friday 27 December 2019

Essay plan

2500 words (excluding bibliography.)


Plan 1:
Context and themes
Case studies

Plan 2:
Point 1 -Point Evidence Explain Link-
Point 2 -Point Evidence Explain Link-
Point 3 -Point Evidence Explain Link-
Point 4 -Point Evidence Explain Link-

Introduction: What are you investigating and why? Define key terms, language, or concepts. What is the argument? Why is this important? Key theories can be introduced here.

Context & themes: Who are your chosen supporting sources? Lay out the context and what they say. Do they have similar points of view or different? How do they fit within the argument. Quotes and how they support the argument. Aim for 4 main points.

Case Studies: Why are these relevant? What is the context? How do they relate to each other and how do they relate to the argument? Quotes?

Conclusion: Summaries key points and why this is. Re-enforce why it is important or interesting.

Harvard bibliography at end:

Quote: Direct words of the author. Use 'quotation marks and italics' (author's last name, date, page number.)
Paraphrase: Summary of the authors words. Summary of points or perspectives. Use (Author's last name, date.)
It is better to paraphrase or summarise than use long quotes - try to explain the positions / points of the authors. This shows a higher level of comprehension.

Things to remember:

Clarity - what is it about?
Tone of voice / style - academic or personal? Any waffle? 
Quality of research - bibliography (is it all internet sources? Or too reliant on just one text / opinion?) It should be varied.
Triangulation - how are quotes and paraphrasing used to support argument? Are they correctly cited?
Link - Sections, introduction, literature review, case studies, conclusion. How well do they link together?
Proofreading - get others to read it.
Plan for the essay:

Define keys...
Introduce theories...

Point 1:
Point: time & money to make a book is more than making one digitally. Also uses less resources.
Text/CS: Gutenburg Press
Argument: book is made physically, whereas the creation of digital book may not touch the actual work.

Point 2:
Point: Aura of a book you can't get digitally.
Text/CS: Walter Benjamin.
Argument: digitally provides new forms of presenting text and experiencing it.
Text/CS: Breathe, T:mesheets magaz:ne

Point 3:
Point: knowing others have experience the same book
Text/CS: Nicolas Negroponte
Argument: digital versions reach more audiences.
Text/CS: Project Gutenberg

Point 4:
Point: Archived digitally.
Text/CS: Project Gutenberg
Argument: Physical books are authentic.
Text/CS: Jim Noble

Summarise keys...
Reinforce important/interesting points...

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