Tuesday 26 November 2019

Final Outcome

Final outcome of the video in its entirety:

Final outcome of the projections across 4 screens:

The final outcome is successful in conveying the purpose of the experience. It uses the game to create an experience that is immersive and interactive, like a simulation game. Some issues in the projecting meant that the outcome wasn’t entirely professional. Firstly, the size of the projections didn’t cover the walls as planned, and the space wasn’t plain white walls as there was no other space to perform this experience. Secondly one of the videos hadn’t loaded in time, causing one screen to be much further behind than the others. If this were to be put on again, this wuld be something to ensure of as well as the chosen space beind cprepared and the set up of the projectors more professional and accurate.

The outcome was successful in listening to feedback, and trying a range of ideas out. For example the suggestion of using projetions instead of VR allowed a more interactive element to the experience.

To develop the outcome further, or to try a different way of creating a similar outcome, I would have gone back to the VR idea at the begining which I wasn’t able to create in time. I could have used the idea of different environments, creating a longer video to then try and convert into a VR experience.

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