Tuesday 26 November 2019


Instead of having a map or symbols on the floor, I decided to keep it simple in order for the viewer to focus on the videos. To do this I created audio that uses a computer generated voice to tell the audience where to go and what to do. This works well with the theme of simulations. Each screen has a number so the viewer will no where to look next.
The design of the screen has the two symbols taken from the book and a similar structure to my original idea.

The final scene of the audiences thoughts will be a similar design to these screen introductions with each bit of text popping up at random times like your thoughts would.

The butterfly symbol is placed at the end to show these thoughts were generated from what they saw throughout the experience.

The audio will welcome them and explain what the experience is. It will tell them where to go/where to look and when to leave. It will ask them what the audiences thoughts are, and also tell them to 'save the experience' as to remember it, referencing the game as you always save after playing, or it is deleted and the experience of playing at that time isn't recorded in the games memory.

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