Monday 28 October 2019

Paper stock

Testing paper stocks
Two paper stocks are tested, conveying different aspects of the gameplay. The first paper stock is white paper with a 1cm X 1cm grid. This is used as it references the grid that appears when building the land for the park. This highlights this aspect, giving the book more of a work-in-progress look. This could be appropriate for the first half of the book which explores the building part of the gameplay, however it is not as appropriate for the rest of the content.
The second paper stock experiment is on brown recycled paper, which was chosen due to its similar appearance to mud or dirt, which is the texture of the ground of the 'theme park' in the book. This was only experimented for the front cover due to the darkness of the paper effecting the images within the book. This should be avoided as the game is on a screen, appearing good quality and therefore any disruptions to this would through being printed would not convey the gameplay effectively.

In order to inform the reader of how to delete the pages, they have been perforated, indicating to rip it out. This is effective and will be used for the final book.

The design of the back cover is to indicate to the reader where the deleted pages should go. It also references the game and any computer, as the question is often asked when the user is about to delete something. The two symbols of the man and butterfly have been combined to suggest the creation of the park is completed.

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