Thursday 17 October 2019


Logo design/cover design:

This design is based off the type on the signs in the theme park. They use a grid with simulated light appearance which are round. This is a similar concept and relates well, and could be used for the title of the book.

This design uses the butterfly shape from the park, with the letters of the title 'Tycoon' spelled out around it. To relate to the grid of the game, the letters are created in a 3X3 grid space. Although it is a visually sound design, the title is hard to read.

This design uses the butterfly and the swimming pool design of the person. As well as these symbols, the title 'Tycoon' is spelt out with each letter is in the grid. It is designed so that they all fit around the CD casing, with two people symbols on each side for balance. These symbols could also be used throughout the book.

Showing the design fits within the CD casing. This can also represent the concept pf the book being about the game and the contrasts between simulations and real life.

Content plan:

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