Wednesday 16 October 2019

Book test 3

This book mockup is made using the DVD case as the book cover, turning it inside out to represent the books concept of being inside the game, as well as the screen of the computer itself, and for it to work efficiently as a cover. For the book to have a decent amount of content and for it to fit into the spine better, there are two books inside. This also gives the opportunity for the use of different paper stocks. For example the grid paper is used to replicate the grid used when building, then black paper is used to represent the screen. It could also give scope for each book having different content. For example the first book could be about building the theme park, the second about playing in the theme park. Or the first book could be from the perspective of the player, the second perspective of the ‘peeps’. 
To bind these books into the DVD case cover, a drill was used to make holes in the cover, then an Awl for the paper. They have been saddle stitched bound which looks effective and professional. A belly band was made for more of a structure and more of an outer cover design, however this hasn't much relation to the content. Another saddle stitch bound book, made the size of a booklet you would get in pc games, was made to replicate the appearance of a physical game and to fill the space in the back of the cover, however this may create too much space for content.
One issue noticed for this design is that the string knot came out of the book so that it was on show. There are a few ways this can be fixed - neater hole punching with more alignment to the cover so it isn't stretched so much, double stitched so it is stronger, and thicker paper stock. Thicker paper stock it required anyway sure to the thickness of the cover and for filling the book up more.

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