Wednesday 16 October 2019

Book test 2

To replicate some content of the game being ‘locked’, a throw out is tested to ‘lock’ off some of the pages of the book.

This is first tested in a quick folded book that uses one of the pages folded over the others. Due to the page that folds over of a section of the pages not being folded into the spine, it can only be bound so that the edges of the paper are bound into the spine. If this were to be done, the pages within the folded over paper wouldn't be able to be seen. This could work in that the reader cuts the page open, however, it would work better if the book tells you to open it as a throw out. His could represent that the more you play the game, the more parts of the game become unlocked.
This is tested in a more professional manner where the throw out is three pages long, so it is sewn into the spine.

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