Friday 5 April 2019

Poster experiments

This design uses the illustrative stickers as the focal point in a set of three posters. Fitting around each sticker is a poem written in New Times Roman. These designs are effective as the content is the focus rather than the decoration, and it is a less obvious approach. However, the discard of the words and chaotic appearance makes the idea less obvious, leaving the poems to impress on their own.

This design has four poems spread over three posters, along with the carrot sticker. This makes the three posters appear like a set. The title ‘Leeds Leeds Leeds’ is placed on every poster as this is a common chant in the city. The sticker is also on the poster as these posters were designed with making them into stickers in mind. However, the weight of the carrot is too dominating and the design is a bit boring compared to the original design.

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