Friday 5 April 2019

Imorived concertina and sticker

 The improved sticker design uses the word ‘suave’ rather than ‘rats’ as this it is more humorous to the viewer and makes more sense. To carrots have also been added to each side of the man to appear like an emblem for a club.

The design of the concertina uses the long spread to place the stickers over all the pages so that the design flows better. When folded the design also fits together, appearing professional. The poems are readable, at a decent size with only legible stickers used. Th blurb has an explanation of what the zine is about and an example using the stickers to form poetry, which is also an animation posted onto Instagram. The concertina has five poems, and the sticker design on one of the pages for continuity. Also added onto the sticker design on that page is an extra phrase ‘no pork or rats’ to make the club idea more humorous.

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