Friday 25 January 2019

Sleeve & flag feedback with development


Looks very professional with effective use of paper stock. Wide range of development in work overall, lots of experimentation. Hole idea works well on record sleeve, should continue this throughout.

Sound wave flag design is aesthetically pleasing and relates to the genre. Minimalist designs also relates to genre. Use of distortion is successful. Design is relevant and similar to 7" - creates continuity.
Layered stretched sleeve cover design and sound wave design works well for overall aesthetic. Sound wave design relates to genre well. Hole idea would be good to use throughout. When A1 size the design will appear to big and overpowering - make smaller.

Decreased size of design as suggested from feedback, creating more of a minimal look to flag.

Experimenting with holes:
More interesting & creates continuity. Original - not many flags have holes in them. Relates to underground nature of Finnish Electronic. Would look good on a larger scale. Could be difficult to do on fabric - try on paper first A1 with a hole punch (which will give more of a professional look).

Finnish flag blue:
Relates to Finnish aspect of genre more. Too simplistic? 

Sound wave layered:
Suggests underground element of genre. The large black areas surrounding create a minimal appearance to flag. Blue makes flag appear darker - similar to Vainio's record covers. The preservation of white with blue relates to Finnish flag well and breaks up the simplicity of the design. Details are still clear, not too chaotic.

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