Friday 25 January 2019

Final developments and book cover design

Code key spine:
Provides more information to viewer. Could be an issue with Penguin as spine is less readable and harder to understand.

Code key spine with red colouring:
More eye catching. Red colour relates to research and British flag. However red clashes with penguin logo and could be more effective when simplified black and white.

Large coded spine:
Simplistic, spine is eye catching. Design relates to book well with a clever concept. Reader will understand the concept as right wing ideas within politics is the key theme explored in book. Creates ‘a smile in the mind’; favoured by Penguin. Symbols used in wingdings typeface translate as everyday life, relating to book.

Rationale draft:
They key concept explored in this book is right wing politics from a left wing perspective. The right side is coded to represent the writer decoding their ideas in a clear way, portrayed through a readable text on the left.

Final crit feedback:
Idea is interesting and original. Spine needs more work - fitting the text all on one line. Title on front could be a bit bigger. Adjust the design to fit the template better. The names of the reviews should be made bold or oblique to make them more clear and separate from the reviews.
Rationale should explain more about Wingdings, colour choices, etc.

Final book cover design:

Improved rationale:
The main basis of the book The Establishment is the exploration of right wing ideas from Owen Jones left wing perspective. To represent this, the design uses type to show the right side as coded, in the typeface Wingdings, and the left in a clear, readable typeface, Helvetica. 
Wingdings uses simple symbols of everyday life, which links to the concept of the book in which Jones analyses the effect politics has on the everyday life. Helvetica is one of the most used typefaces as the design of it is neutral, therefore appropraite for the right side. However, using Helvetica can also add another level to the design depending on the readers perspective. Helvetica is also considered the ‘capitalist typeface’ due to its use for corporations and in the media, which is a key conept the book explores.

The Wingdings type on the left is larger in size to represent the domination of the right wing. Keeping the design simple with black text on a white background represents the contrast of power, as well as relating to the books origional cover. The spine has the Wingdings type in large with the Helvetica type in small, which continues the idea of the design as well as being eye catching. 

designing own symbols. E.g. P for parliament. Would relate to book more as each letter would be personalised to them in book.

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