Friday 18 January 2019

Book cover development

Crit feedback:
Put sketches into a formal grid or dotted around cover in different sizes.
Coded is best idea. Eye-catching and simple. Try inverting the coded ones and move coded side to right. Try different spine layouts. Don't use colour - keep minimal.

Sketch design developments:
More interesting. Spine text too big? Move burn text down so it's in line with front cover text.

Simple and orderly like book. Too boring? Text on blurb too squished. Spine text too big.

Coded design developments:
Large text on spine is eye catching. Good concept. Blurb needs to be moved more to left to break up the spine and blurb.

Smaller spine is less chaotic but not as eye catching.
Inverted versions:

More serious look to them? Dark like the book.

Try using the spine as a key - most reoccurring letters in wingdings.
Front of cover title needs to be bigger.
Spine with larger type is most effective as is eye-catching - work on layout to fit better.

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