Thursday 21 May 2020

Video development

Video development from crit:
After the crit and gathering ideas for a video, I started gathering footage. I started by using the animated texture exploration, then taking it apart to reveal a video of an eye looking around. To make it look more serious and creepy I had the area around the eye dark so that you can only see the eye. I animated scanned images of rubbish falling down the screen as if you are the fish and your environment is being littered, like in some aquariums. To communicate the impact on the sea environment, I animated beautiful images of coral from the disintegrating. I then placed images in the video of drawings of fish, communicating them as important old species, and animated a rectangular black box on their heads to communicate them dying. Following this, the scans of fake fish come into frame, animated like they are swimming around. Then, the scans of the fish being squashed, stretched, etc. are abruptly placed on the screen, communicating the torture that fish are put through during capture.
Over all of this I had audio of a simulated voice reading a narration for the video, giving people information. I tried to make the narration less informative and more like a conversation so that it didn't feel like a lecture to the user.
When getting to this point I realised that this would be better in VR, however it isn't designed for VR as both sides of the screen should be the same in order for it to work.


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