Thursday 7 May 2020

The website & evaluation

Screenshots from the final website:

Video of final website in use:


The final video representation of the website shows the uses of the website and how it works. However, feedback from peers suggested that a mouse icon should have been used to show how it works more clearly. It also should have been shows in VR mode with the menu dissapearing. Although there are a few issues with the way it is presented, the webiste does look professional and well designed for its purpose.
Throughout the project I got feedback which influenced which direction to take in the design. I responded to most feedback, but not all. This is because I felt some feedback wasn’t appropriate as they didn’t have the knowledge I did from the research and the essay. For example, it was suggested that I experiment with typesetting as it may make for a more interesting layout, but I thought that this would ruin the aim of the concept of the website. By typesetting, it effects how the reader experiences the text, possibly disupting the flow of the read, which I wanted to avoid.
As for the concept of the website itself I asked a reader, non-reader, and child reader whether they would be interested in the website. The non-reader said that he wouldn’t as he just isn’t interested in reading. However another non-reader said that she would as it is an interesting way of reading and seems fun. A reader said they would be interested, however they are more interested in a physical printed book as in a world full of screens, reading a physical printed book is a good activity that escapes technology, and bringing it onto a screen would ruin that sense of escape. The younger ages, who are used to screens in todays digital age, are very interested and feel they would really enjoy the experience. The mother of this child also said that as they are so interested it could be a successful educational tool, helping them to absord knowledge in a way that they would be interested in. The child also likes the idea of drawing on the screen as she doesn’t like drawing on her real books as shedoesn’t want to ruin them.
I think the feedback from the project show just how this concept could be used and that it could be taken further ito educational studies as a tool. Although the final video of the website may not have been well carried out, the concept is a promising one that may offer an improvement into how people read online.

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