Thursday 7 May 2020

Designing the wesbite

From the feedback I decided to design a website for immersive reading, using the digital platform to introduce a new way of reading to the public.
For this I would like to tailor the experience to all ages, making it simple and easy to use and interesting for all.
This would be taking discussed aspects from the essay and aim to combine all the positives that an e-publication provides to create a new and exciting way of reading for everyone to enjoy.

I started by sketching how the website would work and possible layouts:

Logo design

I wanted to design a logo that would communicate the website. This would act as a starting point for the design. I researched into symbols for virtual and reading to gain so idea of how to communicate the website.

The results for symbols of virtual use a lot of circles and arrows.

All of the reading symbols involve and physical book, which gave little inspiration as a physical book is not involved in the concept. I could still use it in the design as it is obviously the most clear symbol for reading, however I want to avoid this.
Sketches for logo ideas.

The outcome of the logos look very professional and mostly reflect what the concept is. Feedback from peers stated that the top left and top right work the most as they are more appropriate and well designed.

As the majority said the top left is the best design, and will be used for the website. The arrows in this design will also inform the rest of the website navigating it. The typeface used for these design is fitting however, it is not appropriate for the text of the stories.

Designing each aspect of the site

The first aspect of the website I needed to design was the main menu which will sit at the top of the screen. I decided to have a section for the user to understand the concept for the magazine, a section for the story exploration, which will be for the split up text, a section for the story as written by the author, and a section for stories that appropriate for children. This will make the website more accessible and give people more options on how they want to read.

In order to reduce distarctions on th device the user is reading on, I designed the opening screen to communicate to the user to turn on airplane mode so that notifications won't pop up while they are trying to read. This will make the read more eimmersive.

Each section on the menu has a drop down menu for each story which I design to be simple with the name of the book and the author.

The about page has a collum for the concept of the website and a collum for the modes of reading so that the user will fully understand the intentions of the website.

In order to show how the size of text will look once changed in the settings I made a medium size where the text gets larger, but still highly readable.

In order to make the website accessible for as many people as possible I designed a settings menu that can be easily accessed so that people can adjust the reading experience so that it works for them. The settings I included is an option for audio reading, so that when the user mouse lands on text it can be read for them, text size adjustment, and page colour for those who need different tones to read better.

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