Thursday 19 March 2020

Poster task

The brief of this task is to create a poster that conveys my issue. The poster can only use two colours and either text or image.

I used scans from a book on the deep sea and scans of plastic sea animal toys that I got from Tropical World. The combination of these communicates the fish not being in their natural environment. By placing the fake fish in an environment from the deep sea, it immediately looks out of place and wrong,  communicating the opposite about fish not being tin their natural environment in the fish tank.

As the brief asked for only two colours I bitmapped and two toned the image of fake fish in a deep sea environment. I used blue for the background to show the sea and a pink for the other colour as a lot of pink is in the original image.


Experimenting further with the images I scanned, I used this image from one of the books of coral and put the scan of the toys in their packets on top, blending it so that both are intertwined with each other. I think this is effective however viewer may see it as a comment of water pollution, which is still related but not direct enough to the issue I am communicating.


These are further experiments with the fake fish and deep sea visuals, however I think this visual is too obscure, so the viewers may not understand what it is representing.

When showing Helena what I had done, she suggested to make them darker because they looked to pretty and appealing, but they are communicating something serious and dark. So I made the background black and the front colour green so that it is bright enough to be seen but has more of a serious tone to it.


I decided to experiment with type which I looked back on my research for and used the quote by Gosse's son Edmund from his memoir Father and Son. I printed this out and but it in the water, capturing images of it swirling around and being splashed, etc. I then took the text from the most readable image and created this poster which has a black bachground to communicate a more serious tone and made the type blue to communicate that it is to do with a water environment.



From the feedback I found that most people understood what it was about. I got a lot of people saying that the image posters look too nice, making it less serious and negative. They should be more shocking. However the type poster was celebrated the most with good use of space, colour, and manipulation. One person said that the black outlined shape isn't needed, which I agree, however I think it adds something to it, maybe making it look more official/professional due to it looking like a logo? This could be taken further if a logo is needed for anything, however if not it should be removed from the design as it doesn't mean anything.

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