Tuesday 3 March 2020

Life's a pitch - ideas & planning

The essence of our core idea:
To meet the demand for a community of creative musicians, we propose; LAU Sound Society, a place for students interested in all genres to come together, through termly gigs, monthly zines, & meetups, creating a space that supports the creativity of musicians and creatives alike.

Discussion with other group:
The group we spoke to asked whether the society would just be for LAU, as there are plenty of musicians in Leeds as a whole and at other universities (such as Leeds College of Music) that could get involved. 
We explained that we wanted to focus on LAU as the students here don't get the chance to put their music out there, whereas a music uni would.
Once understanding this they agreed that it makes sense to keep it exclusive to LAU.

Logo designs:
The main aspect of the society we want to communicate is the inclusive of all genres of music. These logo designs aimed to communicate this with the structure, layout, and type.

This is the chosen logo design which uses a clear structure that keeps a minimal appearance as to not represent any sort of genre of music. The typeface is Helvetica as it is a universal simple design. A symbol was created and incorporated into the logo which represents music through the wave and bars.

We made decisions for what sound should be and all the elements that go into it. One of the main things we all agreed on was a mix in CD or digital download form, where anyone in the society can add a track they made to the album, which will then be released so that any music artists in the uni can gain recognition. 
We also agreed that a zine should be published every term that documents what is happening in the society. This could contain articles talk about music people have made, music they want to talk about, events that have happened, and society events such as meetings and society members releases.
I had the idea of a session where people make art in response to music, combining artists and music, bringing the most out of a music society in an arts uni. Work from this session could then be published in the zine, however we all agreed this could be left as a possible option rather than a set plan. 
One of the main parts of Sound is the termly event where a live gig is put on with music from music artists of the uni and the zine is launched. This is an opportunity for the music artists to gain recognition as well as encourage people to join the society. 
There was an idea put forward of a podcast to create a space where people talk about music from the uni and play tracks by music artists in the uni. However, the group decided this may not be necessary if we go a mix and could take up too much time and expense on top of everything else we want to do. 
We decided on a website to contain archives of the zine, a shop for any merchandise, the mixes, and an information section for what the society is all about. This is useful for the society in becoming more professional so that it is a place that record labels, other music artists and producers can come to when finding new artists. Therefore, those releasing music through the society gain decent recognition from the website that may lead them to record deals and official releases, as well as a place to document and archive the society.
We all agreed an Instagram is vital in order to advertise the events, mixes, society meetings, and the society itself. This is what I was assigned to design in order to show in the presentation how it could be used.

Planning the Instagram filter:
The face filter that would be on the Instagram would be used for events and any other reason people want to use it. Although it is not a vital part of Sound, we thought that an Instagram face filter would be a good way of convincing the audience of the presentation to show them the professionally of Sound and the many things we can do for it.

Notes for the Pitch:
- Question why we don't have this society already.
- Talk about longevity as the society could go on even after we leave.
- Compare to uni's 'back in the day' when there was always musical things going on in arts uni's.
- Talk about how the music course fulfilled the uni's need to express through sound.
- Give examples of musicians who did an arts subject and uni to prove how so many musicians come from artistic backgrounds, and more specifically art university's.

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