Sunday 16 February 2020

NEST: Tablecloth

Initial sketches
When discussing with the NEST team about the dimensions for the table and what will be on them, they explained that it would be one table with the RATMAN comics on one side and the goggle on the other. They specifically asked for the NEST logo to be on the front of the tablecloth. So I started designing using the NEST logo, the VR QR code, and a RATMAN drawing.
The first design uses a repetitive pattern of QR codes, and the NEST logo in the middle. I also thought it could look good with the pattern having the QR code and the RATMAN logo.
The second design is more simple with the code, NEST logo and RATMAN logo large.

For the top of the table, I wanted to communicate how to use the goggles. This is simply done using three steps. Step one is to scan the QR code which has the QR code underneath. Step two is to tap the cardboard icon, which changes the phones layout of the 360 image to work in the headsets. For this the google cardboard symbol should be underneath. Step three is to insert you phone into the headset which I paid with a downward pointing arrow. These steps would be along the top of the table with the headsets underneath. For the comic part of the table I wanted to keep it wimple so as the comics would take up a lot of the space on the table. So the RATMAN logo is along the bottom with the comic above, to give context on what it is.

I then got the correct dimensions and the team told me they also want another table for the NEST issue to be displayed on. Commenting on sketches I had done so far, they also asked that the comic stated 'NEST comic by RATMAN' instead so that it is more informative of the comic being for NEST.

This sketch for the tablecloth covers all three tables. With the NEST logo and 'comic by' added to the comic side, and another side with 'THE CLASS ISSUE' written along the bottom of the table.
Once showing the team the design, they said they weren't keen on the RATMAN drawing and the QR code on the bottom section of the cloth, as they just wanted it to be the NEST logo, keeping it simple and more focused on NEST.

Developing the design
Me and the team had another discussion on how the tablecloth will be printed due to the size of the printer. We realised there won't be any room for the bottom half of the fabric, and that just the top will have to be printed. Unfortunately there was no way around this and so I just designed and printed the cloth to cover the surface of the tables.

I started by designing the google cardboard icon and arrow using one already made as the templates. By doing this they both have similar appearances due to being made in the same way.

After making the correct sized document and marking where each table starts and ends, I added the type and symbols to the table for the VR.

As the QR code wasn't made the same way that the arrow and cardboard icon was made, I was worried it didn't look cohesive so I tried making the code black with a thick white outer stroke. I asked for feedback from the team and they said to leave it as a white code as it looks just fine.

I then added the other parts and decided it looked a bit dull. To make it more interesting I used one of the collages they use in the magazine and cut a ripped section from that to create a more interesting background for the cloth instead of just black. I positioned them so that the text could still be read. I also added the NEST logo to the magazine table and the RATMAN drawing to the comic table. This creates balance in the design.

Although the collages work well in the design and making it more decorative and interesting, the black is a bit stark between each bit of collage. To try and improve this I added lots of QR codes in a repetitive pattern, connecting the collages.
As well as creating a more balanced design, it gives people more QR codes to scan so there is more ease of access.

Final design
The final design incorporates the NEST magazine design as well as communicates each table in a clear way. The many QR codes provide ease of access and icons explain how to use the VR effectively.
It would have been better if the cloth could cover each side, however it was just not possible to do due to the size.
It may have worked well if each table was separate and had separate tablecloths as this may have meant that the cloth could have gone over both sides.

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