Friday 17 January 2020

NEST launch collaboration

NEST sent out a call fr submissions, which I responded with some old work from my fine art and photography A-Levels.

As I know Louis and Ben well, they also asked if I would collaborate with them to create the launch party more of an experience.

They have asked for me to create a face filter and VR gallery, along with the goggles, which will be designed and made. This all needs to be done in 2 weeks due to the launch being on the 6th.

The content for the work I will be making will collaborate with all of the artists involved with the magazine, including all of those who submitted. I will need to use their work to create the VR gallery, and NEST have asked to show their work in the filter as well, such as in the background. They want the design of the magazine to be clearly represented. As the magazine uses a lot of collage and black and white, this should be used. They want the design of the goggles also to clearly represent the magazine, and shall be screen printed onto the cardboard for a professional look.

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