Sunday 24 November 2019

Final book outcome

Making the book:

Drilling the holes for the thread to bind.

Images of the book:

Images of the book within the game:

The overall appearance of the book is effective in that it communicates the game in a professional and appropriate manner. The book is well made, using the correct binding method and accurately printed content. The gatefolds and perforations work effectively and the belly band completes the book well. The duplexing is well done with no bubbles or unstuck edges.
Some aspects of the book could be done better for ore professional outcome. For example the page sizing could have been trimmed more accurately so that there is no paper hanging over the edge of the cover. The screen printing, although is justified, could have been a more print. Also the CD has been printed onto the wrong side, so that it won’t play. If creating this again, it would be printed onto the other side. 
Feedback from peers was followed throughout the brief to create the best outcome possible. Using ideas such as tip-ins and paper stocks that were suggested in crits, the outcome is effective.
To improve the outcome, the contents for the CD that comes with the book could be made which could be a video that represents the book. Or it could be the game with the theme park loaded into it so that the viewer can explore it and recreate the experience told through the book.

As the make of the book is relatively complex, the book wouldn’t be mass produced. Instead it could be a limited production for specialist bookstores and game shops.

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