Friday 15 November 2019

Adam Griffiths workshop

Adam Griffiths
Designer, curator, self publisher, etc.

Exploring the space between the physical world and the digital world.
Translating between screen and print.

Constantly saving images he likes from anywhere on the internet such as tumblr, then uses them for his work - to inspire or put into the content.

Forme magazine - nice layout of images placed over background of google search screen, relating to the images of that artist. 

Curio Curia - google vision api uses face recognition to gather information. Used this to import an image of something weird (close us etc.) to get an image google thinks it is. Presented it with images on screen as a timeline then google image presented.

Capturing the screen - taking something on screen and making it physical. Taking screenshots of images on insta preloaded. Creates a blurry image of the final image. Used the portraits to make a book and prints.

Transient Space - digital gallery that explore the concepts of time, space and the culture of the transient screen. Adopts screen eg. hijacks, disrupt ‘non spaces’ eg. corridors, non-traditional gallery. Identity for it is transient, fluctuating. Inspired by Jeremy Holsier ? Another inspiration China starts televising the sunrise of giant screens to uplift wellbeing due to the dark smog. Using screens can influence people's wellbeing.
Worked with Patrick Thomas and other practitioners. Median duration of looking at a piece of art in a gallery is 17 seconds so asked the designers to make a piece of art that lasted 17 seconds on the theme of disruption.

  1. Select a location that will intervene a space using a screen. Existing or fictional one.
  2. Produce some initial content for the screen that allows the intervention of the chosen location to take place.

Selected space - boring dark office. On the screens of computers. This is to represent a reason why one might desire to escape reality by going on a PC game.

Content - a video of being on a rollercoaster with images of weird and horrible aspects of reality showing on billboards throughout the ride.


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