Tuesday 8 October 2019

Journey book

  • Gather information from a journey.
  • Translate into book form (no content needed)
  • Use scale, format, stock, shape, bind, colour, cover, layout, no. of pages, etc.

Information on stairs:
  • Colours: doors and banisters are turquoise, flooring is speckled grey, peach, pink, blue, black, white walls, silver circles with blue and white, circular light, yellow strips on each stair, silver piping and bolts.
  • Gets colder and darker as you go down the stairs.
  • Block of yellow on each floor.
  • Number of each block of stairs: 7, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 8, 7.
  • 18 people walked past, we were on the stairs for 9 mins.
  • From top of stairs plastic took 11 secs. Rolled up bit of paper took 3 secs.
  • Yellow 2.5cm Silver 0.8cm Grey 8.6cm

  • Concertina (represents stairs).
  • Shade of paper gets darker throughout the book.
  • Size of paper for each page the same as the number of each block of stairs.
  • Rectangle block of yellow on each page to represent the yellow area on each floor.
  • Using 11 and 3 as percentages for page divide.
  • Number of stairs are number of pages for each chapter.
  • Length of steps is length of book.
  • Using a bolt bind.
  • Acetate or tracing paper to represent the glass.
  • Shape of path of stairs for the text layout.
  • Hole in the middle getting smaller.

Content layout ideas:

Final design decisions
  • Concertina style book in the grey texture paper stock.
  • Each fold of the concertina is the measurements of the number of stairs.
  • The layout of content corresponds to the percentage of each colour on a stair.
  • There is a yellow square in each fold on the right side to represent the fire refuge points located on each level.


  • Could do with a more substantial cover.
  • All design decisions have a reason.
  • Works as it is simplistic yet well informed.

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