Monday 28 January 2019

Label development for sleeve

I didn't want to discard the hole punching in map formation idea so to continue this I had the idea of doing it on the label instead, inspired by the hole punching that Sähkö record did to their labels.
I firstly tried it using the type design on a white background and then on a back background. Although the hole punches are very noticeable and the design is minimalistic, I thought it could have a more interesting design. I used the sound waves that are on the envelope (which brings continuity to the design), layering them and using the difference blend tool, creating a pattern. I placed this on the label template, layering the text over the top in white, which is more readable than black, whilst still blending into the design. The hole punches are less obvious through this design but bring a physical texture and creating continuity in the design of the sleeve.

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