Wednesday 30 January 2019

Initial ideas for flag

Experiments with components from sleeve:
Layering text over Bitmapped and threshold image of Mika Vainio, inspired by Meta Haven. Boring and doesn’t really look like a flag. Doesn’t relate to genre well.

Then overlaid stretched version of text following the map design. The wavy lines remind me of sound waves, which relates well, however this design is too simplistic and doesn’t look like a flag.
Increasing the threshold of the stretched scan of the Ø map created a lot of texture. Layered A section of the stretched Sähkö Records logo over it using a blend tool. This was too chaotic so tried a different blend tool that only shows some of the under layer. doesn’t work as one big piece but has nice details of the Ø showing through.

Cropped this piece and added a section of text from the Mika Vainio design. Thresholded to make whole thing flow. Simplistic and minimal looking. Could work well as part of a flag.

Using sound waves, I played sections of them over each other, blending them using the difference blend tool. This created an interesting pattern.

Tried overlaying the Sähkö label design over this with different bled tools. Black blocks out a lot of the sound waves which makes it less chaotic, however could be better with more going on when on a large scale.


Sähkö label design needs to be smaller on flag with lines continuing to top. Experiment with colour (blue to relate to Finnish flag) and holes.

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