Thursday 10 January 2019

Idea generating in groups

What object could we use?
Tax forms - fill it in
Bank notes
Passport layout/grid
Bible- put ads in front of the bible -
Suit - twist - dip it in paint
Tie clip
card(king, joker)
Fountain pen - spilling
Paper cilp - twist
Gold foiling
Pennies -seating chart based on wealth
Heart from butchers - fountain pens sticking out of heart, like someones played darts with it, collage/illustration less intense
Put a typographic pattern on clothing
Broken Teacup
Collar made of money
Receipt with a huge sum with the items crossed out

Could you combine many objects?
Expensive and cheap objects

What could you deconstruct/break/alter?
Twist a suit, add paint, drip from, colour that means something

What could you subvert?
How will you photograph it? Consider blurring, extreme crops.
How could you use tools in an unconventional way e.g. scanner
How could an object combine with typography?
How could you alter a material based on your theme?

Illustrate with type - buildings, people,
Black letter
Create building
Newspaper - Times New Roman type creates an image in itself - associated with the newspaper
Put type on TV grid banner for news
Overpower the other text
Punching holes with a needle
Make it a bit difficult to understand - a complicated system
Type turning sans serif the more you write
Cut the type in two to create a divide
Bold type- power
Written in tea leafs
Left wing - red
British flag colours
White and black
Type with fountain pen, type with crayon, class difference
Photograph dictionary definition of establishment
Fit text into british flag

Parliament seating
Bulldog with a monocle
Official legal documents, photograph, scan, use lighting etc
Mind map with the themes of the chapters
Class system grid, Hierarchy grid

Using the fact from the book to create the whole design. How many times he say establishment within the book…
Illustrate the chapters and make a collage
Collar made of money
Shopping list for a rich person
Just use the lines in the mind map, could have one of the bubbles on the back

3D object
A lawbook -  out of toilet roll, comic books, scrap paper, money
Police badge - made of foil
Type with walls of a building
Make a tie out of leftover paper
Make a monocle out of scrunched up newspaper, a classy thing made out of something cheap
Torch on card?

David Carson Zapf Dingbats
During idea generating, the idea of dividing the cover so that the right side is more dominating and the left, stuck out to me. I thought about ways of making the right side coded, to portray the premise of the book where Owen Jones decodes their ideas.
David Carson is known for a spread in a magazine that has an interview Carson thought was rubbish. He decided in putting the whole interview in Zapth Dingbats, a symbolic typeface. This means the interview is unreadable, but as published in this magazine to the public anyway.
This has given me the idea of using Zapth Dingbats or a similar typeface to show the right side as coded, and the left in a clear and readable typeface to show Owen Jones viewpoint and what the book about.

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