Wednesday 30 January 2019

Final 7" sleeve

My final design choices entailed:
- keeping the envelope hole-less printed onto off-white paper, similar to the Sähkö envelopes.
- Sleeve design on white card, textured using a rough sponge to break up the black and relate to music genre - music is textured.
- Inside of sleeve is printed blue and black to relate to Finnish flag. Image of Mika Vainio during a performance to represent the man behind the music.
- Cut out of sleeve is offset to represent the underground isolated music scene. Cut roughly similar to Sähkö Records cover designs.
- Label uses sound waves from the chosen songs, layered over each other, linking to the music which has many layers. \printed onto off white paper for continuity with text in Ø shape.
- Holes punched through label using a pin, in the map formation. Relates to research on cover that use holes, as well as creating continuity as the holes are in the same shape as the map the the type forms on the sleeve.
- Chosen blue vinyl to relate to Finnish flag colour.

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