Friday 16 November 2018

Development of logotype

This layout with each letter rotated in a different direction has the most potential as it is multi-sided. This will force the viewer to question which way it should face, linking to Cahun in that they question ‘what is gender?’.
I also experimented with layering imagery into the logo, however I think imagery should be added when put into context rather than being part of the logo.

Applying to context

I chose to design a poster for a hypothetical exhibition at Leeds art gallery. For this I need to add information, such as where, when, who, and what.
I firstly experimented with the ligature, layering it over one of Cahun’s pieces. I used an invert blend so that the image beneath can still be seen. I used the collaged logotype to write her name, which I also used an invert blend for, and added the required information. I think the outcome of this poster is effective, however it could be made more interesting using the square formatted, multi-sided logo instead.

I then tried using the square formatted logo placing it onto A4 portrait paper, positioning it at the top middle. I created a collage of images of her, as this relates to her dadaist works, and used blends to make all the images visible. Finally, I put the information along the top of the collage, keeping the design of the poster simple.

I think this design works well as it displays their work and gives a sense of what they do. However it doesn’t make use of the multi-sided aspect of the logo.

To bring the multi-sided aspect of the logo as a more prominent feature, I decided to look back at the square format logo and try using just type to create the logo, so that the poster can be multi-sided.

I think the first version is most effective because it keeps itself contained in the box. I now add imagery to this by rotating the images of the collage so that it works multi sided.

Outcome of these posters is effective as it conveys the most about them, as well as being interactive.

Exhibition space
To show how the logotype would look in a gallery/exhibition space, the poster is placed on the wall, showing each rotation. When hanging the posters, the audience will forced to as which way the poster goes, linking to Claude Cahun as they also forced the audience to as questions, such as ‘what gender?’.
I also used the logotype and one of her images to show how the logotype would look upon entrance to the exhibition. I have placed the type around the image, almost like a Nazi symbol. As the work reads anti andt the letters are opposing each other, this reverses it creating an anti-Nazi meaning, reflecting their views.

I applied the logo to a badge and pin as these items can be rotated, again forcing the audience to ask questions.


Claude Cahun was a french surrealist and dadaist artist, who identified as agender - using their art to express this through self-portraits and collage. They often adopted different personas in their self-portraits, which is what is aimed to be represented through this typeface. These chosen personas include doll, bodybuilder, angel and soldier, which create the base of four typefaces, then collaged together to reflect their style of work.
During their lifetime, Cahun was also a strong activist against the Nazis, which her actions lead to imprisonment and a death sentence. The logotype aims to reflect this, placed in a box like form, with each letter rotated to represent their nonconforming lifestyle.

Their life’s work wasn’t brought to attention until forty years after her death, due to their low profile and being anti-fame; a common recurrence in their background, hence using the word ‘ANTI’ as their visual identity, relating to their views on being anti-gender, anti-Nazi, and anti-fame.

The logotype also aims to question the viewer, as Cahun did with their work. They often presented the question ‘what is gender?’, which, when placed in context such as a poster, the logotype presents the question ‘what is a poster?’ due to the logotype being multi-sided. The logotype also carries similarities of a Nazi symbol. The reversed letters representing their anti-Natzi views.

Possible uses for the typeface and logotype could be for an exhibition of their work, a publication on their work, or merchandise. Items that can be multi-sided, such as badges and patches, would be effective for the logo, forcing the consumer to question the placement of such items. It would also be an effective tool for digital use, animating a website or other online sources.

Anti, nonconforming, diverse, multifarious, montage.

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