Sunday 11 November 2018

Creating Logotype

Self-set briefs:
  1. Create 4 typefaces based off Cahun’s personas.
  2. Use first brief to animate the typeface, flicking through each persona.
  3. Using animation from brief 2, suddenly switch to blackletter typeface to mark imprisonment then death.
  4. Alphabet where each letter has a different persona.
  5. Typeface based off techniques used for photographic works.

Brief 1
Chose 4 different personas; doll, angel, soldier and bodybuilder.
Doll - chose a typeface by Muller-Brockmann that is feminine, Helvetica Neue Ultra Light, and broke it up into parts as a doll is broken into parts.
Angel - chose serf typeface Georgia, as it appears classical and feminine. Adapted the serifs so they appeared to look like wings.
Soldier - chose Bodoni 72 Bold typeface as it is a serif typeface that appears more masculine. Stretch to make typeface appear broad.
Body builder - chose sans serif typeface Helvetica Neue Condensed Black then adapted it so that areas of the letters are more weighted and bulky.

Brief 2
Gif of ‘Cahun’ flicking through each persona typeface.
(Inspired by Steve Hocketts ‘Siop Shop’)

CRIT feedback:
  • Should go with the idea of creating a typeface that goes against the rules of typeface.
  • Strip blackletter back to basics, deconstruct.
  • Blackletter to Futura, simplifying as it goes down the alphabet.
  • Collage typefaces, linking to surrealism/dadaism.
  • Be emotional with it, relate to gender/androgyny. Instead of taking things away, change things.

New self-set briefs:
1. Develop animation so it suddenly switches to blackletter typeface.
2. Collage the different persona typefaces together.
3. Deconstruct blackletter typeface, anti blackletter, rebelling against blackletter typeface rules.

Brief 1
Anti gif flicking through personas then suddenly ending with blacketter.
Brief 2
Layering the different persona typefaces:



This layout with each letter rotated in a different direction has the most potential as it is multi-sided. This will force the viewer to question which way it should face, linking to Cahun in that they question ‘what is gender?’.

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