Monday 1 October 2018

Task 1 - 60 Letterforms

In our group we started by identifying obvious, circular shapes to convey the letterform 'O'. However we came to realise that this approach produced outcomes that felt too similar and repetitive. Experimenting with different materials, obscuring them digitally and physically, we overcame this, producing diverse recreations of the letter 'O'.

One technique I found useful for this process was re-inventing an idea numerous times to create different outcomes. This forced us to constantly analyse our work, and think of ways to improve or completely change it until we reached a final design that worked best. Below our some examples of the final stages, with only choosing which was most successful from the numerous outcomes.

[A strong, more structured shape, or obscured, and less obvious?]

[Looking at the object from an unusual angle, or straight on?]


Many of our letterforms used repetition too experiment with being suggestive as to the shape of the O. I think it is interesting how they represent movement, and could have introduced another media such as video, to bring this more to life.

Other recreations involved commonly found objects. These worked well as the editing created a professional, structured look. However I think we could have furthered these ideas by using movement and experimenting with the shadows more.

More experimental recreations of the letter 'O', such as these, involved obscuring the image entirely, making the forms unrecognisable.

When looking at more physical ways of recreating our letterform, we looked at space and how we can change a simple mark to convey an 'O'. 

Although we produced many effective outcomes, we had some critiques to consider;
- limited use of grids
- some objects used were obvious
- not much use of other media, such as video
- some are too similar
- not enough manipulation of the form

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