Thursday 21 May 2020

Module evaluation


I found this module very difficult to manage sure to work at home. I found this effected the quality of work I made and the amount, as my time management was poor and my motivation low. However I am still happy with my outcome and I think I have progressed a lot in my design work through this project. Before this module I knew how to make a VR image, but in this module I learnt how to animate one which is a big achievement as I have been aiming to learn this for a while. I also learnt some 3D for this project, which took up a lot of my time, but was useful to learn, and I can recontinue this before the next module, hopefully being at a higher level, being able to use the skill. I also learnt that I am not a designer in order to transmit and communicate facts and figures, but I am more interesting in communicating feeling and emotion. I think this is very important to consider in future modules and what I will do in the future. I enjoyed this project a lot and learnt a lot, however I am also disappointed that I wasn't able to work at my best. It is another lesson, however, that I prefer to work in a controlled environment away from my bedroom, and it is important to remember this when attempting work at home. I am excited to get back in the studio and work to my full potential, utilising the separation from home, the recourses and tutors.

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