Monday 6 April 2020

Developing initials

Website idea
When creating a test for what they website may look like, I created a photoshop file with all of the bits of writing placed on the canvas how it is in the sketches. I then zoomed in so that I could move around like it would on the website. By recording this, you can see what it would look like in the form of a website.

VR idea
Using the same document used for the website, I made it fit into VR format, allowing a more immersive environment. This worked very well as the user could be put into just that environment, escaping the outside world and move around, creating their own stories from what the author has written. I recorded what the user would see when in the VR environment.

AR idea
To experiment with AR, I created a booklet that would have one word or simple image per page. The reader creates their own interpretation when looking through the pages. Using a phone, the user can view the page through the camera and animated type will appear, revealing the story to the reader.

What I wrote for the crit forum:
My project is looking into a new way of presenting an e-publication digitally. It has been discussed in my essay the pros and cons of both a physical book and electronic book, and also the role of the Author. I kind of summarised that the Author is not important beyond the release of the writing and that beyond that, it is up to the readers imagination. With this idea, I took short stories by Franz Kafka and broke up the writing, spreading them about the canvas so that you may read the story in order, but it forces you to explore the canvas, creating your own story using what the Author has written. This in itself would be difficult to create in physical book form as a book mostly naturally has an order so I have created a few ways of presenting this digitally. I wanted to keep these as visually stripped back as possible (no illustrations or whatever) as I need it to be left up to the imagination of the reader, like a novel would be. One is a website, which the user scrolls around the space, creating their story from what they stumble upon. The second is a VR version of this, which is more immersive and I think would be interesting to pair with sound and movement. The third is a bit more of a different idea that uses AR paired with a physical book. The book only has simple line drawings or words, suggesting ideas to the reader so they make up a rough story using their own imagination. Once paired with the AR, the reader gets the full story Franz Kafka originally wrote. (I couldn't upload the vid of this bc of tech difficulties. But. It looked ok) In the last crit I had with these designs, people were suggesting to develop the idea of the AR into more of a treasure hunt situation where people have to do a pokemon go type of thing. But that would be difficult now in the circumstances and I also think it is straying away from the project. I want to focus on the website or VR and develop them more.
My questions:
1. What idea does everyone like the most?
2. What should I add to the idea to improve it? I tried adding colour to sort of reflect the vide of the words in that area but it didn't really do much. Should I be looking more into typesetting? Is adding music a good idea?
3. I was thinking it could be a website where you can choose from a library of stories by Franz Kafka, showing the original stories and then the adapted version. It would have a section where it explains what it is about and a section where the type size and colours and other stuff can be adapted so it is more accessible. What are your thoughts on this? Any other ideas I could add to this?

Feedback from crit forum:

Rosie King:
I think your VR idea is the most interesting and pushes the idea the most. I do like the idea of the website but I don't think that it is something that people would necessarily want to engage with. The VR idea really immerses the reader in the story and alters the reading experience as a whole. What I would be concerned with is ensuring that the book is still easy to read. By chopping the narrative into small sentences, the reader disassociates them from each other and they don't flow as a narrative and it is harder to understand what the story is about. I would suggest looking at a way to make these flow better, whether that is extending the sentences or having them closer together I don't know. Maybe you could experiment with the idea that the pages are still layed out the same but the way that the reader interacts with the book is different. Instead of turning the page with the hand, the reader could use the VR element to turn the page with their entire body. Or maybe you could incorporate the idea from the website of gathering the elements to build up the page so that the reader is interacting with the content in a different way but is still read and understood in the same way. In terms of typesetting you could look into how it could be used to enhance the narrative such as altering size, kerning and weights to show different moods in the narrative. I overall think that your concept for the website is really good but the ideas would be best adapted to VR to really change up and challenge the common reading experience with something completely different and that people would enjoy engaging in. 

Georgia Pegg:
I really like the first video that has the curve on it as I feel like this is more immersive. I like the idea of having VR so that people can get more of an experience of the story as I feel this fits in well with your concept. You could consider playing with producing a typeface or having a play with combining a few to make it more visually impacting on the viewer. I think if you are going to use colour maybe just experiment with a couple rather as I feel it takes away from the words a bit. I think having a white background ( or just plain) makes the most sense for your project, but maybe the actual text could be in different colours to evoke emotions :) 

Response to feedback:
  • VR is best idea as most immersive and interesting - develop VR.
  • Typesetting could be used to enhance the narrative - alter size, kerning, weight, etc. to communicate the narrative.
  • Combination of website and VR would work best - develop VR into a website.
  • Plain white background works better than colour - keep the background white.

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