Tuesday 24 March 2020

Change of direction and crit

New ideas:
Due to the Covid-19 virus, everyone is to stay indoors. Because of this, my initial ideas cannot be done. So I have though of some new ideas that could be tested -

Crit with Helena:
The VR patterns and textures work well, this could be developed to create an enironment with movement and 3D.
We both agree that the live stream idea is most promising and is very appropriate. How can you create more interaction with the user? Could this be through the promotion - the Instagram? Could you make filters?
How can you compare being trapped indoors due to the virus to being trapped in a fish tank?

New plan:
The ideas I want to experiment with are creating video that uses 3D to create an environment, informed by the visual research I have done on the deep sea. Using this I can create a video paired with music to create a relaxing environment along with type at the end to inform the viewer of the issue. I want to try posting this video as a live stream so that people have to be there to engage with it at a certain time at a specific web address. I want to create an instagram that promotes this events and filters for this to create awareness for the issue. I want to design with the dea of isolation during the epidemic reflecting being a fish being put into an aquarium, to create a direct link to peoples lives and the current climate. I also want to keep in mind how this can be continued after the epidemic so that people still angage with this experience.

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