Wednesday 15 January 2020

Careers fortnight

Perfecting your presentation skills
The Bulb People
During this session I learnt how to perform well when doing a presentation. I learnt the do's and don'ts and what makes a presentation good.
He used the example of Karl Rhonke's diagram:
Image result for karl rohnke comfort/stretch/panic model

He explained that the stretch zone is the zone that is the best for learning and working. However when you reach the panic zone, it is best to go back to the comfort zone and then work out to the stretch zone again.

He showed us techniques for the presentation:

How careers guidance can help you
From this session I learnt I had many options for myself and I need to do more research into what I want after uni. I learnt that I need to attend start up Wednesdays in order to understand how to become a free lancer which is one of the options for me.

Linked-in-credible (personal and business branding)
Personal branding is how you present yourself. How you market yourself. What do you want to be remembered for?
Professional footprint - what employers see on your social media.
LinkedIn - social media for professionals. You can find people to work with/for, and others can find you. 
Make a good banner or people won't want to connect with you.
Apparently people pay £80 for banners on LinkedIn so £££££
Summary: who are you? What are you good at/specialise in? Skills? Give example. What are you passionate about? Describe jobs you have worked at and your role in those jobs.
Live briefs can be added in 'STAR' to your projects.

The skills every graduate needs
CVs are important
Don’t title the CV ‘CV’
Put your address on one line not like on a letter
STAR: Situation Task Actions Result

Contact details
Introductory profile
Hobbies/interests (that are appropriate)


CWP: Abbus Mushtaq
Branding and communication agency based in Manchester and sometimes Leeds.
‘People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.’
When leaving uni don’t be afraid to just go for it. Fake it till you make it.
Use Behance to get work seen and hopefully work.
Duke studios - the studio space to apply for.
Have balls, don’t wait.
Personality and practicality.
Go beyond graphic design. Creative writing, photography, animate; do it all yourself.
Even if it looks average, making it custom makes a big difference. E.g. a custom typeface. Makes it different from the rest.
Have a USP (unique selling point).
Are you your brand or is your work your brand? E.g. Snass
Don’t do work for free. Value yourself.
A job is either creatively rewarding for financially rewarding.
Don’t be afraid to reach out. Show initiative. If you don’t ask you don’t get.
It’s not you you know of, it’s who knows you.
Have fun with it, don’t take it too seriously.
START on your portfolio NOW. Get your work out there. Social media and behance. Don’t call yourself a student. You are a designer.
Keep a balanced lifestyle. You don’t have to design all of the time.
Be yourself.
Do what you want.
Think beyond what is asked for.
Have a flowing concept.
Be likeable.
Work with people your trust and understand their strengths and weaknesses in order to work well as a team.
Reach out to people if you can’t do it well. E.g. photography, illustration, etc.

Do you as a studio photograph and do all your own illustrations or do you get outside people to do it?

CWP: Keiran Walsh
In bigger companies there is less freedom. Decisions are made by people above you that effect the work you make.

Perfect working to deadlines.
Don’t pigeon hole yourself, be open to other jobs.
Intern more.
Nail the production basics. If you know what you want to do, learn how to do it. Become a pro.
Teach yourself email etiquette. Earn peoples respect.
Remember you know less than you think.
Challenge yourself with short sporadic challenges.
Get your work out there on social media, a website, anything!
Got to events, talks, launches, parties. Get socialising, get contacts.
Present your specialist skills. Let it be known! This is how you will get the jobs you want.
Get better at vital skills; time management, team work, organisation, understanding of business.
Invest in your portfolio.
Follow the tends, keep up to date, follow the new.

In-house (single focus, can become boring, long term, committing, you have to look for the work)
Agency (clients, you are a small part of a big company, you have to look for the work)
Yourself (freedom in what you make, can be risky, difficult to get started, fun, people look for you)

If you have a style or specific specialism, then people will want you.

CWP: Georgia Hamilton
The Prawn Shop
Clothing brand. Created in her first year. Now very successful with clothing going all over the world.
Designs, deals with social media, customer support, marketing, creative director and order packing.
Used this for her work for uni, also allowing her to make good stuff and focus on that for it to carry on after her degree.

CWP: Eleanor Snare
Eleanor Snare
Where do you want to get to in your career?
- I want to be in galleries
What do others want to achieve?
- Relaxed
- Money
- Fame
- Busy
- Providing for your family
- Satisfaction
- Having own business
- Influencer
- Status, fear of failure, success, fulfilment, stability, being stress free, pride, recognition, self respect, respect from others, independence
Why do you want to be in a gallery?
- To get self respect and respect from others.
Values that are important to me
- Faith, creativity, love, self actualisation, humour, helping others.
How can I incorporate these into my life?
- follow my faith and what I believe in, keep being creative especially in my career, put love before anything, if I like something truly and deeply then follow it and recognise it to find who I am, be humorous and be around people who are humous, help others always.
1. Work really hard at understanding you your are.
2. Align what you think, what you say and what you do.
3. When you make a plan, start from the goal and work backwards.
4. Get a roof over your head and food on the table. Everything else is a bonus.
5. Have faith in who you are and who you will become.

Mindfulness, wellbeing and resilience
From this workshop I learnt that breathing excersises are useful for calming myself. However the rest of the session caused me stress as I was told to think about issues I struggle with and stress me out and how I could solve them. However I found it hard to think about solutions, and I ended up thinking about bigger issues I struggle with. I found the whole thing very stressful and an awful way of discussing wellbeing.

CV's, applications and interviews

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