Saturday 2 March 2019

Submission briefing

Design boards
final 3 posters printed


Describe how you have used design principles to help the viewer read and understand the message behind your poster. 

WORD: Kerning
LINE: Tracking, Leading, Line length, Widows, Orphans, Rivers, 
LAYOUT: Baseline, Hangline, Stacking, Multi-column grid, Modular grid 

“The first poster derives its visual impact through....”
“The the image of ........... against the ground of .......... Places it in a stable/reversible/ambiguous figure/ground relationship.”
“This .......... figure/ground relationship contrasts with the .......... nature of the image/text.”
“The image is placed centrally/offset so that the focal point visually presents a ......... stance on the subject.”
“The focal point of the poster is .......... as this is ..........”
”The designs uses the Law of Pragnanz as the viewer’s mind will naturally reorganise the complex figures of .......... within the poster to the simpler form of .........”
“The poster aims to .......... by ..........”
“The use of .......... aims to visually communicate the idea of .......... . It does this through its reference/similarity/ability to ..........” 

“The first poster derives its visual impact through....”
“The use of the phrase .......... is intended to ..........” 
“The use of ........... against the ground of .......... , places it in a stable/reversible/ambiguous figure/ground relationship.”
“This .......... figure/ground relationship contrasts with the .......... nature of the image.”
“The typeface has been created by .......... . This grid/structure comes from ..........”
“The typeface’s anatomy, with its .........., gives it a .......... personality. This helps to communicate/contrast with ..........”
“The use of ............ kerning/tracking/leading produces ......... which aids the communication of .............”
“A line length of .... words has been chosen as this .........”
“The text has been aligned ......... , as the ............. rag of the text was otherwise too visually distracting.”
“The layout of the poster uses a baseline/hangline to organise ......” 

“The first poster derives its visual impact through....”
“The use of the phrase .......... is intended to ..........”
“The use of ........... against the ground of .......... , places it in a stable/reversible/ambiguous figure/ground relationship.”
“This .......... figure/ground relationship contrasts with the .......... nature of the image.”
“The typeface’s anatomy, with its .........., gives it a .......... personality. This helps to communicate/contrast with ..........”
“Visual hierarchy is achieved through ........ , where the viewer’s attention is drawn first to .......... , then ..........”
“The viewer is drawn image first. The information placed below, once read, will change/confirm how the viewer reads the poster by.........”
“The choice of .......... paper stock is intended to .......” 

collums makes reading the text quicker
hang lines creates consistency
gutter so that collums don’t touch and the eye reads on
8 or 9 point in serif as it is easier legibility. headings san

final 3 posters
Under rational have a bit of text titled ‘design boards’ and write about them:
Explain how you have used design principles (grids, layout, typography, colour, etc.) + Multi-column grid – provides structure for images, visual consistency 
+ Columns – line length that are easy to read + Gutters between columns
+ Hangline (headings) 

oripeau, toofprints, ficciones typografika
susan sontag
hochuli, muller-brockmann etc.
appropriate research for theme

initial ideas
don’t have to have all 15, just most relevant ones
Type: Typeface creation/modification
Image: Collage, Bitmapping workshop
Type & Image: Grid system, overlay, etc. 

design dev
board for each (bigger images)
minimum of 3 different developments

final outcome
1 per board for good size
photos of them pasted up

which parts don’t work and why
feedback from crits

sketches of development

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