Monday 18 February 2019

Poster research

Poster 1: type only
Poster 2: type and image
Poster 3: image only

For public space - sensitive.
Should aim to discuss use of uncomfortable images.

What makes these ideas uncomfortable?
What is there purpose?
How are they being used?

2014 ISIS released disturbing films in order to scare, shock, recruit, etc.
These kinds of images like the ISIS film are crated for different purposes - propaganda, journalism, or just snapshots.

Susan Sontag’s essay, Regarding the Pain of Others 
(Chapters 6 & 7)
These images can be to steel oneself against weakness
make more numb, so your not effected by more of them
to acknowledge the existence of incorrile, to acknowledge some things are incurable hopeless, uncontrollable.
How should we respond?
What emotions would be desirable?
Sympathy or suspicion?
Sympathy - spectator (suggests link between sufferers and privileged viewer), impotence (mystifies our real relationship to power), innocence (feel we are not accomplices to what caused the suffering)
Suspicion - awful events were still being described back in 1860s even without images. Flooding of images don’t move us in same way loosing capacity to react. Each situation has to be tried into a spectacle to be real - that is interesting - to us. People themselves aspire to become images - celebrities.
Too cynical of the images ability t record reality and their actual purpose/intentions, oversaturated.
Cannot be sincere.
‘There is never going to be an ecology of images.’ Conservative critique because it assumes every spectator is equal - images play the same role within the lives of different people. Needs to state that a realty elitist independent of the images. Suffering still exists away from the manipulation of media.

Approach with emotional freshness and ethical pertinence.

Malcolm Barnar ‘Graphic design as communication’ 2005
4 categories
Information : impart knowledge, presenting factual knowledge
Persuasion: trying to convince you or effect your thought and behaviour e.g. advertising
Decoration: aesthetic function; enjoyment and pleasure intended to please the spectator
Magic: ‘making something different than what it truly is’ 

Describes itself as an "Urban Space 16 200 cm² display panel seeking visuals to be seen. Exhibition time to public : 1 week."
Mostly black and white
Variations of space used for different kinds of impact.
Many different materials are used for 3D visuals.

Mostly type, exploring the ways it can impact its audience.
Black and white. Use of black makes poster appear more intense. Black on white background puts more of a focus on the contents.
Uses layout and typeface to create a mood.

Ficciones Typografika
Type, image and combinations of both.
Black and white, but prints onto coloured paper to give posters a different feeling.


“So while a treadmill killing someone or knocking them out remotely may have seemed like a fantasy not that long ago, it is now a potential reality.”
Some fear about robot sex dolls being hacked.
Imagine you were asked to come up with a list of 3,000 interesting facts about yourself. What sort of things would you write? 3,000 personal facts is a lot of personal facts. And yet, there’s a very good chance your list already exists. Your location, the food and restaurants you like, your online habits, the sites you visit, the questions you ask Google, where you work… even your medical info and credit score.

Make your PC run slower. Give you other types of malware. Make you feel ashamed: normally it comes with spyware or ransomware. But the wider picture: your PC could be unknowingly working to attack websites or networks, steal passwords, social security numbers, credit card details, addresses and phone numbers of innocent people around the world.
Each company gives different names. For example, with Zeus there are several industry names, such as Zbot, Zeus Gameover, and Trojan-Spy, and Win32.Zbot. “Phone home”

  • Still unknown author of the SoBig.F Worm, which did $37.1 billion in damages around the globe.
  • Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev. It took the FBI and other international crime organizations two years just to get this guy’s name, and now they’re offering three million dollars — the biggest bounty ever posted on a cybercriminal — to anyone who can help bring him to justice. Unfortunately, it seems as though Russian authorities have no intention of collecting: He now lives openly in Anapa, a run-down resort town on the Black Sea in southern Russia with a number of luxury cars and his own private yacht. He operates under usernames like slavik, lucky12345, pollingsoon.

  • The Equation Group. Works for US’s NSA. Behind Stuxnet; the worm that took down Iran’s nuclear program for a time. Can hacking be positive?
  • Bureau 121. They were responsible for a massive data leak at Sony Pictures in 2014, a retaliatory attack following the production of a Seth Rogen comedy about the humiliation and assassination of “dear leader” Kim Jong Un. In this attack, countless personal emails and details were leaked to the public, and Sony spent around fifteen million dollars repairing damage. However, the average North Korean hacker is expected to “earn”, then hand over, between $60,000 to $100,000 a year through any means necessary. Failing to hit that mark will lead to a predictably grim outcome.
  • Alexsey Belan stole data from over 700 million accounts from 2013 to 2016.
  • Marcus Htchins created the Kronos virus, malware that would steal banking credentials from your browser if it managed to infect your device.

Visual hacking simulator 

Black mirror episode Shut Up and Dance:
The episode tells the story of a teenage boy who is blackmailed into committing bizarre and criminal acts by a mysterious hacker possessing a video of him masturbating. The boy is joined by a middle-aged man, whom the same hacker is blackmailing over infidelity.

The episode received mixed reviews, many finding the episode too dark.


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