Monday 25 February 2019

Briefing & task 1

Group 8: Oscar, Phoebe P, Jazz.

What is a map?

A diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.
‘a street map’ 
Represent (an area) on a map; make a map of. ‘inaccessible parts will be mapped from the air’ 

Different from an aerial photograph because it includes interpretation.

Mapping and recording journeys in the area. Produce a map. From the exhibition (colours may vary 5th – 11th April) to an interesting area of Leeds. Layout, grids, typography, colour theory, etc.

The printed map, sketch book, blog, 6X design boards.
Screen printed. E.g:

Tools to use to map the route?
E.g. helmet with arrow on it, moves with wind, follows the direction of wind. Balloon trapped in a space with pen on the end. London Sound Survey . Long Review ‘the last london’ 
Recording sounds. 
Video to go with it.
A typeface.
Make something 3D.
Found objects.
Envelope containing something.
Dada? No Foundry:

What are you mapping?
E.g groggily run:
Map places with sad names:

Every cracked bit of pavement. Draw the shape.
Amount of times stepping on the lines of pavement. 
Graffiti tour. 
How many drunk people you encounter. 
How many homeless people you encounter. 
Images of the sky in each area. 
Walk rage levels.
Drag chalk and see how much is chalk is left
Collection of found objects. Contrasting for different areas e.g. road works, market, graveyard, etc.
Stickers on poles. Could scan them in.

Create a map of _____ by using only _____

Situationist international. International organisation of social revolutionaries made up of avant-garde artists, intellectuals, and political theorists, prominent in Europe from its formation in 1957 to its dissolution in 1972. Wanted to change the world. Created paintings, books, graffiti, etc. 

Walk for 10 mins to different contrasting areas in pairs. Phone the other pair on loud speaker, describing your surroundings. Record what each other are saying.
On the way back follow the same route back. One person photographs, one draws. Swap halfway.

Could make drawing devices, lean on persons back, draw whilst walking. Photograph surroundings or selfie - emotion, sky, ground.



Fast drawings whilst walking.

Also created voice memos including shouting gum when seeing gum and  description of surroundings.

Images of the ground, posters advertising votes at uni, selfies whilst walking around, shadows, and windows.

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